Here in the Sunshine State, we’ve got good weather virtually all year round, hurricane season notwithstanding. That means that you’re going to be riding in the heat and sun a lot, and when you’re on a motorcycle, you can get pretty toasty. You’ll need to do everything you can to stay cool and prevent dehydration or heat stroke from setting in.

Sky Powersports Sanford is your local motorcycle dealer. To help you stay cool this summer on your Florida rides, we’ve provided you with some warm-weather riding tips below.

Know the Risks

Many people don’t fully comprehend the risks of riding in warm weather. You often hear about precautions you can take for riding at night or in the rain, but not when it’s warm and sunny outside. Unfortunately, the heat can cause a number of problems that can be serious if left unaddressed. These issues range from a mild sunburn to heatstroke. Know the symptoms of heatstroke and dehydration, which can include a failure to sweat, dizziness, a headache and a feeling of malaise. Get yourself out of the heat and indoors drinking water as soon as possible if you feel any of these symptoms coming on.

Invest in Cooler Gear

Your average motorcycle rider’s outfit can be rather cumbersome and hot. Instead of wearing heavy black leather, try to find a lightweight ventilated jacket in white or another paler color that will reflect the sun rather than absorb it. You'll still want to wear riding boots, riding gloves and sturdy pants, but you can find lighter-weight versions of all of these items in pale colors that are better for hot-weather riding. 

Don’t forget to apply sunscreen to all exposed skin, like the back of your neck and your wrists, and wear sunglasses or a tinted face shield to protect your eyes from UV rays and reduce the effects of “sun dazzle” on the road.

Stay Hydrated

One of the most important things you can do when it’s hot outside is drink plenty of water. Dehydration can set in easily, especially when you’re sweating profusely. You can either drink from a bottle of water whenever you rest or wear a hands-free hydration pack on your back to sip from as you ride. Also, don’t forget about electrolytes! Sweat causes your body to lose valuable salts in addition to water, so you’ll either need to have a sports drink or some salty snacks on hand to replenish your electrolytes and your energy. 

Ride During Cooler Times

The hottest part of the day is always mid-afternoon, around 3 PM. While an afternoon ride can be fun, it’s also dangerous when it’s very hot outside. Try to do your motorcycle rides early in the morning before the sun reaches its zenith or after about 5 PM, when the sun is lower on the horizon. Temperatures will be at least a few degrees cooler at these times and you won’t have the hot sun beating down overhead.

Take Plenty of Breaks

Of course, no matter what you do, you’ll still get hot and sweaty if you continue to ride in the sun without pause for hours on end. Make sure you pull over every hour or so to drink water, have a snack, remove your helmet, wipe your brow, stretch your legs and sit in the shade or walk around a bit. You’ll be happy that you did so and when you resume riding after 15 or 20 minutes, you’ll feel refreshed and ready for the next leg of your journey. If it’s brutally hot outside, don’t be afraid to cut your ride short, also. There’s no sense in overexerting yourself when it’s only going to cause you problems.

Hopefully these tips help you to stay cool and enjoy your summer riding. Still in search of the perfect motorcycle? View our website to see our full stock of new and used motorcycles for sale or get in touch with us about visiting our Sanford location. Sky Powersports Sanford is the premier motorcycle dealership for the cities of Deltona and Daytona Beach, FL.