Riding solo can get a bit lonely sometimes. Luckily, many motorcycles are more than capable of handling an additional rider. Whether you want to go on a cross-country trip, or hit the road to explore the outdoors, riding a motorcycle with a partner can make the difference between a thrilling experience and a trip to truly remember. However, when you bring along a passenger, you have to make a few adjustments. We’ve put together a short guide with some tips for overcoming the obstacles involved.

Wear the Proper Gear

The first step is to make sure that your partner has all the necessary gear to ensure a safe and comfortable riding experience. Figure out ahead of time what gear your passenger already has and what needs to be picked up. The absolute necessities are a helmet and some sort of jacket for protection. If your passenger is unfamiliar with riding on a motorcycle, make sure to guide them through wearing a helmet, ensuring it fits snugly but not so tight as to cut off air circulation.

A good riding jacket is another important piece of gear for passengers. Streetwear just won’t cut it if you want to avoid serious harm should an accident occur. Fill out anything else with whatever backup or spare gear you have, but consider gloves and boots if your partner plans to join you more regularly. If there's a chance of rain, bring waterproof outerwear.

Prepare for the Trip

Taking some time to plan and prep for your ride will make things easier for both you and your partner. A pre-ride inspection will help you catch any potential issues in the safety of your driveway, rather than being stranded on the highway. Check tires, fuel, and fluid levels. Make sure your bike is in proper working order and perform any load adjustments to ensure it’s ready for the extra weight. Some motorcycles have a preload feature and the other components necessary to make bringing a buddy along as easy as it can be.

It’s good to establish expectations between you and your partner so you can both have a safe and enjoyable ride. Your passenger should know how you plan on approaching turns, braking, and other aspects of motorcycle riding that differ from normal passenger vehicles. You’ll likely need their help to perform some of these maneuvers, like the lean-in on a turn. If your partner is new to motorcycles, take them out for a few test rides before a longer trip. This will help them get used to some riding basics, as well as allow them to adjust to the rigors of motorcycle riding.

Staying Safe on the Road

Riding with a partner means taking someone else’s safety and enjoyment into consideration. As long as you communicate clearly and remember that safety comes first, you’re sure to have the same thrilling ride with the addition of good company.

Whether you’re riding across town or hitting the long road together, stop by Sky Powersports Sanford to check out riding gear and a wide range of motorcycles for sale. Call us today and let our team of experts answer all your questions and help you find what you’re looking for! You’ll find us in Sanford, and we are proud to serve all those coming from Daytona Beach and Deltona.