Now that fall is here, it’s time to start thinking about your upcoming UTV rides in the winter months. If you’ll be heading to the mountains for an off-road adventure, you need to make sure that you’re prepared to deal with cooler temperatures. Here are some tips to help you get ready for riding your UTV in the cold weather.

Dress for the Cold

You’ll want to layer what you wear to better insulate your body and trap more heat. Start with a wicking thermal underwear layer, then add fleece, wool, or polyester layers on top. Your final layer should be waterproof and wind-resistant without being too bulky or difficult to move around in. The benefit of this approach is that you can add or remove layers to suit your comfort level if the weather changes.

Install an Enclosed Cab

It’s essential that you prevent hypothermia and frostbite by making wise choices about what you wear and how you outfit your UTV for riding in the winter. An enclosed cab is your best option to stay cozy. Many utility vehicle brands offer full cab enclosures, or you can also get aftermarket kits that usually include a roof, windshield, solid rear panel, and full doors.

By following these winter UTV riding safety tips, you can keep yourself warm. If you’re looking for some quality UTVs, then stop by Sky Powersports Sanford. You’ll find us conveniently located in Sanford, FL, where we proudly serve all those in Daytona Beach and Deltona.