E-bikes are now a common sight on our roads, and they are helping people reconnect with the traditional bicycle to use a cleaner, healthier type of transportation. Here, we’ve put together our definitive guide that aims to demystify the basics of the e-bike, and what you should consider when thinking about purchasing one. Keep reading for more details.

Perks of an E-bike

When you think of electric bicycles, you probably think of their environment-friendly benefits. We all know that battery-powered vehicles are much better for the environment than their gas-guzzling counterparts. E-bikes produce zero carbon emissions, and some models are even equipped with recycled lithium-ion batteries to further reduce the carbon footprint. However, battery-powered bikes aren’t just about being environmentally friendly.

Going electric can also save you some serious money. After all, fuel costs tend to make up a major portion of the total cost of motorcycle ownership. Not to mention the health benefits of riding these zippy vehicles. Pedaling an e-bike is so easy that most riders actually pedal a lot. Many people end up riding their e-bikes as much for fun and fitness, as they do for their daily commuting.

Which Electric Bicycle Should You Buy?

When choosing between a regular bicycle and an electric one, you should be asking yourself what you will be using it for. If you’ll be traveling long distances, you may want to consider purchasing an electric bike to make your commute easier. Plus, if you don’t want to exhaust yourself while riding or the paths in your area are full of steep hills, the extra help from the motor could make cycling feel less daunting. However, if you are looking for a mode of transportation for shorter rides, an ordinary bicycle could be a good option.

There are many types of electric bikes with different specs and features. Most e-bikes have a battery-powered pedal assist mechanism that helps propel you. Technically, there’s a motor integrated within the bike to boost your pedaling so you can conquer hills and inclines with ease.

There are some models that also have a throttle. These e-bikes strike the perfect balance between speed and comfort. The motor on these machines is controlled by a throttle, which allows you to crank it up and get going without the need to pedal. When you are in the middle of a corner, you'll be able to accelerate with a light tap on the throttle. Of course, the less you use the pedal, the sooner you’ll run out of battery charge.

We hope that this e-bike buying guide has been useful. If you need more information, be sure to get in touch with us at Sky Powersports Sanford. You’ll find us in Sanford, FL, where we serve all those in Daytona Beach and Deltona.